Participants at the 2nd Forum of the ASEAN Fuel Economy Platform

ASEAN Fuel Economy Platform Consults on Regional Roadmap Development

Bangkok, Thailand, 28 March 2017 – The ASEAN region took a step towards more fuel efficient transport during a productive 2nd Forum of the ASEAN Fuel Economy Platform, held in Bangkok. The Fuel Economy Platform is a consultative entity established under ASEAN’s Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2021—2025 (KLTSP). It aims at supporting the drafting […]

Participants at the 3rd Regional Workshop on Sustainable Transport Indicators

ASEAN Region Continues Progress towards Harmonised Sustainable Transport Indicators

Bangkok, Thailand, 29 March 2017 – With a growing vehicle fleet that is already Asia’s second largest, the ASEAN region faces a host of related pressures including climate change, air pollution, and traffic congestion. Recognising that effective policy interventions depend on credible data and analysis, experts and representatives from all 10 ASEAN member states and […]