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Population: 91,700,000 (July 2021)
Urban population: 33.6% of total population (2015)
GDP per capita: US$ 2,111.1 (2015)
Transport CO2 emissions (Mt): 32.9
Number of vehicles: 40 790 84 (16%)
Motorisation Index: 380 vehicles/ 1000 inhabitants
The great majority of passenger vehicles in Vietnam are 2/3 wheelers, which accounted for 94.7% of the total number of passenger vehicles in 2013. This is the highest 2/3 wheeler share among all TCC partner countries, and worldwide for that matter. In 2010, the total number of vehicles in the country reached 31.3 million vehicles and then continuously increased to 38.6 million vehicles in 2012 (Vietnam Register). Between 2000 and 2010, the total number of vehicles in Vietnam increased at an average rate of 17.7% per year (Clean Air Asia, 2012) while the average rate for 2010-2012 is 11.1% per year (Vietnam Register, 2013). In 2008, 45.4% of the freight volume (by tonnage) was transported by road. It is projected that in 2030 the road freight sector will account for a tonnage share 57.2%.
The Transport and Climate Change project (TCC) closely collaborates with two agencies under the Ministry of Transport (MoT): the Department of Environment (DoE) and the Transport Development and Strategy Institute (TDSI).
The Transport and Climate Change project (TCC) closely collaborates with two agencies under the Ministry of Transport (MoT): the Department of Environment (DoE) and the Transport Development and Strategy Institute (TDSI).
Country Activities
In Vietnam, the project focusses on fuel efficiency policies for passenger cars and motorcycles while also plan to approach two- and three-wheelers including electrification.
On green freight & logistics, the project will come up with the idea of development of a green freight master plan/action plan and green freight labelling. In addition, the project continues to include data collection, indicators, training, and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for the mitigation actions which have been proposed in the Ministry of Transport’s climate change action plan (CCAP).
In 2015, the Vietnam Stocktaking Report was developed and published.
For more information, please contact our country coordinator for Vietnam, .