This background paper is a first output of the development of a monitoring framework and harmonised approach for indicators on energy and GHG emission in the transport sector in the ASEAN region (KLTSP ST 2.3).
The development of this framework is supported by TCC through providing expert knowledge and conducting a series of workshops to ensure the applicability of the framework.
The background paper explains the key concepts and main frameworks for the collection of data and provides an overview of indicators to measure the performance of low-carbon transport policies and their impact on emissions. Reviews of successful monitoring systems indicate that a multi-year action programme that improves data availability and measurement processes over a period of time, is more likely to succeed in the ASEAN countries, rather than an extensive programme, which aims to collect and report all the data required from the outset.
The findings will be used as input for the development of regional guidelines including an action plan on regional sustainable transport indicators. A third workshop will be held in the end of March 2017, following two successful workshops which created a common understanding about the need of a harmonised approach.
The background paper can be downloaded here.