Data, Indicators & MRV

With the second largest vehicle fleet in Asia just after China, member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) already face serious problems including congestion, fossil fuel consumption linked with CO2 emissions, air pollution and road safety. In many developing countries, the information made available on the impact of transport policies and projects on emissions is insufficient and potentially misleading, as the necessary data for indicators is missing. Further, the majority of ASEAN countries has not yet defined or is still in the process of defining sustainability goals within the transport sector, hence requires support in terms of improving indicator and data availability.

Scientific and profound answers to the questions “How do we know, if ASEAN transportation policies are helping achieve the goals they are meant to serve?” and “How do we know if the transport system in ASEAN is becoming sustainable or unsustainable?” are difficult to get without having a good set of indicators and data, which could provide the information needed. Different global concepts, such as NAMA, (I)NDCs and also the SDGs require regular reporting on the achievement and progress of measures which are being undertaken.

In the light of this, the recent Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (KLTSP) has reinforced the need for “the development of the monitoring framework and harmonised approach for indicators on energy and GHG emission in the transport sector”.

The development of the framework is supported by TCC and is following the ASIF approach, which links activity (A) in passenger-kilometre and ton-km for freight across all modes, the modal structure (S), the fuel intensity of each mode (I) in litres per passenger or ton-km; and the fuel’s carbon content, which yields an emission factor (F), in grams of carbon per litre of fuel consumed. However, this framework needs detailed travel data, which is currently not available in the majority of the ASEAN countries.

In order to develop this monitoring mechanism, consultations need to be carried out to gain support from diverse public and private stakeholders and improve awareness.

Read more about the concept of sustainable transport indicators in ASEAN.
