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Indonesia is the TCC partner country with the largest population, of which 54% are living in urban areas (2015). Yet, the population is spread out across 922 permanently inhabited islands.
Population: 257,563,815 (2015)
Urban population: 53.7% of total population (2015)
GDP per capita: USD 3,440
Transport CO2 emissions (Mt): 114.7
Number of vehicles: 114,209,266 (5,1%) (2014)
Motorisation Index: 0.8276
Percent market share of vehicles by type in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the TCC project focusses on sustainability in the road freight sector and fuel economy standards for road vehicles. It is complimentary to other transport-related projects of GIZ in Indonesia such as Sustainable Urban Transport Improvement (SUTIP) Project (ended in September 2021) and SUTRI-NAMA. TCC has been implementing joint-activities with Ministry of Transport (MoT) as the main counterpart as well as other sectoral ministries, including Ministry of Industry.

Country Activities/ Work areas

The project support MoT in developing and implementing strategies to increase energy efficiency and reduce GHG emission in the land transport sector. The TCC project has supported MoT to develop Guidelines for BAU Baseline calculation from the transport sector and support other MRV related activities.

The project is similar to other countries preparing a stocktaking report which provides an up to date picture of the land transport sector and transport-related greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation policies in Indonesia. The project has been working with Research and Development Agency of MoT (Balitbanghub) on the area of green freight and logistics.

Other stocktaking reports for Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia are already available.

For more information, please contact our country coordinator for Indonesia: