The Transport and Climate Change project (TCC) closely collaborates with the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) under the Ministry of Transport (MoT) and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE).
Country Activities
In Thailand, during phase I (2012-2015), the project focussed on two levels. First, the project comprised sector-wide measures and second, the project activities targeted specific sectors. The activities on the former level include (1) the support of the nationwide sustainable transport policy and (2) the support of the improvement of the monitoring system in the transport sector. The distinguished output of this activity was the stocktaking report which collected transport and climate data and policies in Thailand. The activities on the latter level aimed to support selected sustainable transport policy measures and their MRV system.
In the second phase (2021-2018), TCC activities in Thailand focus on 3 major topics; 1) policy gap analysis 2) fuel efficiency policy and 3) MRV system development for the land transport sector.
In addition, TCC is supporting the development of Thailand´s NDC for the transport sector.
For more information, please contact our country coordinator for Thailand .