<p>The Transport and Climate Change project (TCC) closely cooperates with the Logistics and Land Transport Division and Road Transport Department (JPJ) under the Ministry of Transport (MoT), the Infrastructure and Utilities Section and Energy Section under the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) and Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI). </p>
Country Activities
In Malaysia, TCC focusses on institutional strengthening and policy support in the transport sector. Similar to the other partner countries, a stocktaking report was developed for the land transport sector. Based on this report, further actions to implement and align the national transport planning with the KLTSP will be identified. The project is supporting JPJ to develop a standard to legalise the road usage of 25 km/h to 50 km/h electric motorcycles (2-wheelers).
The project will support EPU with capacity building for Demand Side Management Preliminary Study and also conduct a training on the selection of suitable tools for sustainable transport indicator/ data analysis.
In the past, TCC supported the development of a NAMA proposal titled “Towards Energy Efficient Two-Wheelers in Malaysia (EE2W)” in collaboration with Malaysia Green Technology Cooperation (MGTC) and provided knowledge exchanges through workshops on Green Freight and Fuel Economy.
For more information, please contact our country coordinator for Malaysia, .